Sarah Le Breton announced as 2025 Kelmscott Manor Maker in Residence


Sarah Le Breton announced as 2025 Kelmscott Manor Maker in Residence

The Society of Antiquaries of London, in partnership with Heritage Crafts, is thrilled to introduce basket maker Sarah Le Breton as the Maker in Residence for 2025 at Kelmscott Manor. This historic residence, once the cherished home of acclaimed writer, designer-craftsman, conservationist, and revolutionary socialist William Morris, will be the backdrop for Sarah’s residency between April and October.

This year sees the third of three residencies at Kelmscott Manor for members of Heritage Crafts, with a particular focus for 2025 on rural crafts. The project presents an opportunity to showcase such crafts in an iconic rural setting visited annually by over 26,000 people. During her residency Sarah will be focusing on the crafts of basket making and chair seating.

Natasha McEnroe, FSA General Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the Society of Antiquaries, said:

“The Society of Antiquaries is delighted to welcome Sarah Le Breton as this year’s Maker in Residence at Kelmscott Manor. Her work combines beauty with practicality and a use of traditional crafts in a way that I am sure William Morris and his circle would recognise and appreciate. I am looking forward to seeing how Kelmscott will shape and influence Sarah’s creativity, for the benefit of all of our visitors.”

Sarah’s appointment as the 2025 Maker in Residence at Kelmscott brings with it the unique opportunity to reflect Morris’s advocacy of heritage and the handmade, and contribute to his legacy by playing a distinctive part in the Manor’s programme of public engagement. Visitors will be able to discover the crafts of basket making and chair-seat-making through hands-on workshops and demonstrations led by Sarah throughout her residency. Sarah will also share her skills with education groups as part of the Manor’s Learning & Outreach programme.

Sarah Le Breton, 2025 Maker in Residence, said:

“To be showcasing the rural craft of basketry as this year’s Maker in Residence is a dream come true. The values, beliefs and creative power of William Morris have long been interwoven in my life and are held within all that I design, create, make and teach. I look forward to this incredible opportunity of engaging with and responding to the Manor, gardens and its visitors as well as supporting in widening the learning programme. I’m also very excited to be able to forge new work in this special place that will not only honour my heritage craft form, but that I hope will innovate and inspire.”

Daniel Carpenter, Heritage Crafts Executive Director, said:

“Morris believed in the enduring relevance of crafts that had been passed down through the generations, as well as the necessity of their continual evolution in order to secure their place within an ever-changing society. We are delighted to be working with the Society of Antiquaries for a third year, focusing on rural crafts. The idea of the rural as a respite from the urban, and the necessity of both in making hand craft economically viable, was one of a number of unresolved themes of Morris’ life, and we look forward to seeing how Sarah’s residency can reflect what ‘rural’ means to us in the 21st century.”

Sarah’s appointment as the Maker in Residence is made possible as part of the NHLF-funded £6 million ‘Kelmscott and Morris: Past, Present and Future’ project.


Maker bio

Inspired by heritage baskets, Sarah le Breton celebrates the craft form that she loves by making beautiful, practical and innovative baskets. Her aim is to showcase traditional techniques and highlight the beauty of natural materials, in so doing creating baskets, lighting features and chair seating that are perfect for modern living.

Whilst developing as a basket maker, Sarah actively sought out training from those grounded in apprentice-led, commercial basket making. This has included training with a fourth-generation maker on her local Somerset Levels. Through specifically developing work that encompasses this approach, it is Sarah’s aim to facilitate a living wage for UK basket makers, enabling highly-skilled knowledge of the craft to reach future generations.


Illuminated: Open Friday at the Society

When: Friday 21 March 2025, 10.30am to 3.40pm
Where: Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
Cost: Free

Join the Society of Antiquaries of London for a free drop-in event that includes creative demonstrations and a display of illuminated texts from the Society’s special collections, featuring 2024 Maker in Residence illuminator Sarah Davis.

More details here:


Sarah Davis in Conversation

When: Tuesday 25 March 2025, 7pm to 8pm
Where: Online
Cost: Free

Join an online discussion with 2024 Maker in Residence illuminator Sarah Davis, to hear about how Sarah’s residency progressed in response to the site and Morris’ legacy, and listen to her advice for Sarah Le Breton’s forthcoming residency.

Book here: