Heritage Crafts Awards 2022 finalists announced

22nd June 2022  |  ANNOUNCEMENTS

Marsh Charitable Trust Following a strong year full of high-quality nominations, the finalists for this year’s Heritage Crafts Awards, supported by the Marsh Charitable Trust, have been announced.


Rachel Frost, bow felted hat maker

Rachel Frost, bow felted hat maker

The finalists are (in alphabetical order):

Heritage Crafts / Marsh Maker of the Year

  • Rachel Frost, bow-felted hat maker
  • Hannah McAndrew, slipware potter
  • Fergus Wessel, letter cutter

Heritage Crafts / Marsh Trainer of the Year

  • Line Hansen, saddler
  • Frances Roche, saddler
  • Mark Romain, saddler
Hannah McAndrew, slipware potter

Hannah McAndrew, slipware potter

Heritage Crafts / Marsh Trainee of the Year

  • Megan Rigby, hand engraver
  • Sarah Ready, withy pot maker
  • Eden Sorrel Russell, saddler

Heritage Crafts / Marsh Volunteer of the Year

  • Patricia Basham, Knitting and Crochet Guild
  • Kezia Hoffman, Granary Creative Arts Centre
  • Ian Pearson, British Society of Scientific Glassblowers

The winners will be announced at a prestigious winner’s reception later in the year.

Fergus Wessel, lettercutter

Fergus Wessel, lettercutter