Louise Arthur

Weaving people and nature together. Louise is passionate about making and teaching basketry with a variety of hedgerow, woodland and wetland plants. She champions the sustainability and  process of her craft.

Louise Arthur
Open to the public
Not specified
Provides courses or training
Available for craft fairs
Available for educational events only


11 Western road
Louise Arthur
t: 01730890156
m: 07967736776


No basket has ever been made by a machine.... where there are baskets there are people and where there are people there have always been baskets. Louise makes and teaches under the name Rough Around the Hedges. Her basketmaking activities follow the seasons and varied landscape of Hampshire in the South Downs National Park, UK. Winter lends itself to carving, forming and setting frames from coppice woods and repair work, while Spring completes the annual willow harvest and prompts weaving of nests, feeders and plant supports. Summer provides plenty of festival and course opportunities to share basketry skills and techniques with others, while Autumn invites hedgerow and garden harvests, foraging of weaving fibres and gift giving.

Mini craft gallery

Large Oval frame basket
Flat leaf platter
Egg or fruit frame baskets – various materials
Walking stick baskets
Repairs undertaken