Hedges & Hurdles Country Skills & Crafts

Willow Craft; Wattle Hurdle Making; Hedgelaying

Hedges & Hurdles Country Skills & Crafts
Open to the public
Yes, by appointment only
Provides courses or training
Available for craft fairs


Lorraine Ellery Matthews
m: 07446837492


Lorraine and Paul Matthews, co-founders of Hedges & Hurdles Country Skills & Crafts deliver personable, varied, and interesting workshops and training courses, outdoor experiences and crafts for adults and teenagers utilising natural, sustainable materials they coppice or source locally.
Lorraine is a Willow Artist who enjoys bringing people together to teach them the weaving techniques used for creating home and garden decorations, sculptures, and practical pieces such as Baskets, Obelisk, Cloche, and Trellis.

Lorraine also undertakes Willow Sculpture Commissions.

Paul is an experienced Hedgelayer and five times national award-winning hedgelaying professional and the current National Champion for the South of England style of cutting. Paul is also an experienced horticulturist.
Paul delivers Green Woodworking Courses, Wattle Hurdle Making Courses (a craft on the red list of endangered heritage skills) and various other woodland courses throughout the year. The business is a leading training provider in the South East of England for Hedgelaying Training Courses delivered during the coppicing season between October and March each year. Hedgelaying is a management solution for overgrown hedges widely practised throughout the UK and Europe.

Lorraine & Paul are members of Surrey Hills Enterprises, The National Hedgelaying Society, South of England Hedgelaying Society, The Woodland Trust and actively support the CPRE.

Mini craft gallery

Living Willow Workshops
Wattle Hurdle Making Workshop
Willlow Deer Workshop
Botanical & Willow Workshop
Willow Platter/Tray Workshop
Mini Wattle Hurdle Workshop
Plant Support Workshop
Willow Craft Workshop
Large Asymmetric Basket