Heritage Crafts


Printing using hand setting (composition) of type and material and a variety of presses.
Craft category
Paper, Other
Historic area of significance
The earliest iterations of moveable type were in China and Korea. Letterpress as we understand it originates in Germany with Johannes Gutenberg’s version of movable type. UK: London (Fleet Street) and most UK Cities having printing districts and thinly in the countryside of England. Even small towns would have had one or two letterpress printers.
Area practiced currently
UK wide
Origin in the UK
William Caxton in the 15th Century
Current No. of professionals (Main income)
Current No. of professionals (Side income)
101-200 (see other information)
Current No. of trainees
Not known, but there are a number of Higher Education providers offering Letterpress as part of Art & Craft design degrees
Current total No. of serious amateur makers
Current No. of leisure makers


Letterpress printing was the normal form of printing text from its invention by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century until the 19th century and remained in wide use for books and other uses until the second half of the 20th century. Letterpress printing remained the primary way to print and distribute information until the 20th century, when offset printing was developed, which largely supplanted its role in printing books and newspapers, but letterpress has survived thanks to small presses and artisan printers.

Prior to letterpress written information was published and distributed only by the wealthy – using monks to transcribe literature / religious texts by hand.

It was only in the late 20th century (circa 1980) through the development of digital type setting and printing by offset lithography, that letterpress became obsolete as a wide spread commercial process.

Letterpress has survived thanks to a small number of commercial printers who have retained their letterpress equipment, print workshops and artisan printers. Also by enthusiastic letterpress hobby printers who continue to invest their time and money in this craft.


  • Manufacture type (maintain usable supplies / casting / pantograph tracing)
  • Setting type on a stick (composition)
  • Arrange and layout publication (composing in a form)
  • Proof the type (quality control)
  • Imposition (setting out pages for printing).
  • Preparation of paper (cutting to size)
  • Print (feed paper / inking / storage)
  • Fold paper / trim to size / stitch
  • Compile documents (book binding / stitching etc)
  • Replace type into cases/ furniture for re use (dissing)
  • Melt down damaged type / re-casting
  • Service and maintenance of machinery

All of these techniques are still practised in the UK, but not in one single print shop.


  • Letter design
  • Punch Cutting
  • Type Casting (Monotype -metal) / Type manufacture (wood)
  • Manufacture of lead ingots for casting
  • Line / slug casting (Ludlow / Linotype)
  • Flong making / stereotyping / casting
  • Stamping / Foil making / Magnesium blocks / polymer plates
  • Ink making
  • Plate making / engraving (halftone blocks/ zinc, magnesium or copper blocks)
  • Paper making / card / grey board / book cloth production / glue
  • Bookbinding
  • Form cutting
  • Wood engraving
  • Press maintenance / engineering
  • Roller manufacture / roller re-covering

Issues affecting the viability

Market issues

  • Competition with Digital Printing: Letterpress struggles to compete with digital printing in terms of speed and cost. By nature, the process is slow and requires large industrial or commercial spaces to accommodate heavy equipment. In contrast, digital printing is faster, requires less space, reduces overhead costs, and generates higher profits through quicker turnaround times and less waste. While magnesium and polymer plates (created directly from digital files) can speed up production, they are costly and often dismissed by purists as compromising the authenticity of the craft.
  • Limited Workshop Spaces: Letterpress equipment—such as cast iron presses, composing stones, furniture racks, galley racks, and type cabinets—is heavy and space-consuming. This often restricts workshops to ground-floor locations, increasing rental costs and reducing profitability. Many printers resort to working from converted garages or home studios due to affordability constraints.

Skills issues

  • Shift from Trade to Craft: Letterpress printing has transitioned from a formally recognised trade (formerly taught through City & Guilds qualifications) to a craft-oriented practice focused on small, art-based print runs rather than large-scale production. As a result, structured training opportunities have diminished, making it harder to acquire expertise.
  • Shortage of Skilled Technicians: Maintaining and repairing letterpress equipment requires specialised knowledge, yet few individuals today possess these skills. Cast iron presses, while durable, are difficult to repair when damaged, as cast iron is challenging to weld. Many presses are scrapped simply because there are too few experts available to restore them.

Equipment & raw materials

  • Maintenance & technical issues: Professional letterpress printing demands a significant amount of equipment, much of which requires ongoing maintenance. Keeping presses and type in working order is a specialised skill requiring training technicians. However, we are now seeing letterpress departments reinstating letterpress departments as part of their Art & Design courses due to a resurgence in interest in the craft.
  • Scarcity of Type & Materials: Letterpress type—whether cast from lead or made from wood—is fragile and susceptible to damage. Metal type was originally designed to be melted down and recast when worn out, but much of the type available today has long exceeded its intended lifespan. Few foundries remain in operation in the UK, making replacements expensive and difficult to source. Wood type, in particular, has become a collector’s item, often sold piece by piece on eBay, reducing the availability of complete alphabets. Cases of type are frequently repurposed as decorative items, further depleting the supply.

Ageing workforce

  • Increase in awareness amongst young people – whilst there are still issues with the ageing of skilled practitioners, particularly in type manufacture, there are now more young people setting up print studios and using them for both artistic and commercial purposes.

Health & Safety Concerns

Lead Type Precautions: While lead type can be used safely, concerns persist due to its lead content, particularly in relation to historical health risks associated with leaded petrol and paint. However, with simple precautions—such as washing hands after handling type and avoiding ingestion—risks can be effectively managed.

Support organisations


Training organisations

Degree and post-graduate study

There is a renewed interest in letterpress with some students choosing to experiment with the technique. There are a number of UK Universities that offer letterpress facilities:

Specialist short courses

Many letterpress printers will offer short courses and ‘have a go’ sessions in letterpress.

Craftspeople currently known

Briar Press provides a searchable ‘Yellow Pages’ directory of letterpress and related suppliers in the UK and worldwide.

Individual makers:

Businesses employing two or more makers:

Other information

There are large number of people using small table-top presses, such as Adana, to manufacture small printed items such as greetings cards. These require a relatively basic skill set and are a very good entry level equipment. The current rising cost of such presses is impacting on new learners accessing and using them. Once mastered it can be difficult for learners to progress as there are only a small number of people having a working knowledge and ability to teach letterpress at a higher level.

Workshops teaching people the basic craft skills have blossomed recently (bolstered by interest generated following craft programmes on television [sewing bee / repair shop etc]) and are generating interest in the craft along with a renewed appreciation of the tactile quality of print.

On-line across social media platforms (specifically Instagram) an active dialogue is being propelled, helping to foster an interest in the craft, coupled with support and advice.  After the restrictions of Covid 19 were released physical gatherings of letterpress printers (Wayzgoose) have helped bring together disparate groups of practitioners – helping to market the craft to the public

Air B’n’B experiences are a new arena for short residential courses (one currently being developed by Carl Middleton – Studio B, to be listed in 2023).

A number of articles published in Pressing Matters magazine directly relating to letterpress have helped foster new interest in the craft.

Red List reviewers 2025

Our thanks go to our 2025 reviewers:

  • Cecilia Knopp
  • Carl Middleton – Studio B
  • Graham Moss, Incline Press
  • Richard Lawrence
  • St Bride Foundation 

We consult with a wide range of practitioners and organisations to review and update the Red List. Some choose to remain anonymous but all feedback is taken into account.

If you would like to suggest any changes or additions to this page please contact us here

National Lottery Heritage Fund
Swire Charitable Trust
The Royal Mint
Pilgrim Trust
Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
William Grant Foundation

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