Heritage Crafts

Lacquerwork (japanning, coromandel and other lacquerwork)

A European imitation of Asian lacquer made using traditional materials such as shellac and pigment.

Craft category
Historic area of significance
Europe - inspired by India, China, Japan and other Asiatic countries
Area practiced currently
Origin in the UK
16th century
Current No. of professionals (Main income)
Current No. of professionals (Side income)
Current No. of trainees


Japanning was developed in Europe in the 16th century to imitate Asian lacquer made from the sap of the lacquer tree (urushi). At this time, ‘Chinoiserie’ was a popular style for interior decoration. Many books and treatises were written on japanning in the 17th century, and are still the best form of reference today.

Today, very few people will make their living as a japanner. It exists primarily as a conservation craft and it is mostly conservators who have access to the skills of traditional japanning. While many furniture companies do produce ‘lacquerwork’ items, these are spray-applied modern lacquers and not urushi or japanning.


There are a wide variety of techniques within lacquerwork:

  • Japanning: A European imitation of Asian lacquerwork, using traditional materials such as shellac, and applied with a brush. It involves preparing a board with up to 25-30 layers of European lacquer to create a mirrored black surface to then gild images upon. The gilded gold/silver leaf silhouettes are subsequently built up with layers of shade and line before being finished with layers of shellac.
  • Penwork (white lacquer) – A technique intended to emulate ivory. Black ink lines are applied with a quill on a white pigmented background and many shellac layers are applied on top.
  • Coromandel work: la similar technique to japanning where a board is built up with layers of gesso and subsequently lacquered but instead of building images with gold leaf and powders, images are carved into the lacquer.
  • Tortoiseshell
  • Emulating true lacquer (urushi) 
  • Modern lacquerwork: A modern coating often made of volatile organic compounds or acrylic compounds, such as melamime, and applied with a spray.

Issues affecting the viability


  • Skills transmission: The skills of lacquerwork are seriously at risk as few people are passing on their skills. While the 17th-century treatises do still exist, you need to have an understanding of japanning in order to interpret them.
  • Skills transmission/time intensive: West Dean runs postgraduate and adult short courses which give people a basic understanding of the craft – but you can’t teach how to do all the layers on a three-day course.
  • Cost/time intensive: lacquerwork is extremely time-consuming and nobody wants to pay for the hours (so if an alternative, spray-on material is available then people will go for that).
  • Changing tastes: Chinoiserie goes in fifty-year cycles.

Support organisations

Training organisations

Today, lacquerwork exists primarily as a conservation craft – it is rare to make it for new items so it is taught from a conservation/restoration approach

Craftspeople currently known

A list of conservators with japanning skills can be found on the Conservation Register maintained by the Institute of Conservation.

  • Alexander Schouvaloff, conservator, maker and teacher of japanning. A former City & Guilds of London Art student as well as protegé of Margaret Ballardie.
  • Kirsten Walsh, conservator and maker
  • Bella Chipperfield, maker
  • Nancy Wilden, conservator
  • Hugi Hicyilmaz, Conservator
  • Pedro da Costa Felgueiras, specialist practitioner in Oriental and European lacquer and historic paint techniques
  • Tuesday Riddell – Alumna of City & Guilds of London Art School BA Fine Art and former Decorative Surfaces Fellow, is a fine artist using japanning and japanning techniques in her work.
  • Polly Bennett – Alumna of City & Guilds of London Art School BA Fine Art and former Decorative Surfaces Fellow, is a multidisciplinary artist and craftsperson using japanning techniques.
  • Rian Kanduth – Master gilder Rian Kanduth works with more than 18 techniques: water gilding, gesso, punchwork, oil gilding, verré eglomisé, japanning, penwork, coromandel, gesso cutting, sgraffito, pastiglia, patina, and many more.
  • Arielle Francis – Coromandel work
  • Peter Daoud – Trainee

Margaret Ballardie, Head of the Restoration Diploma Course at the City and Guilds of London Art School, sadly passed away in 2017. Margaret did much to promote the skill of japanning in the UK.

Other information

This craft uses products derived from animals and insects – please read our ethical sourcing statement.

Red List reviewers 2025

Our thanks go to our 2025 reviewers:

  • Rian Kanduth & Hugi Hicyilmaz, City & Guilds of London Art School
  • Tuesday Riddell
  • Pedro da Costa Felgueiras

We consult with a wide range of practitioners and organisations to review and update the Red List. Some choose to remain anonymous but all feedback is taken into account.

If you would like to suggest any changes or additions to this page please contact us here

National Lottery Heritage Fund
Swire Charitable Trust
The Royal Mint
Pilgrim Trust
Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
William Grant Foundation

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