Heritage Crafts


The embellishment of a manuscript with pure gold leaf laid on a gesso base and the metal burnished to shine brightly, or decoration with colour and gold.
Craft category
Metal, Paper
Historic area of significance
UK. There are various mediaeval manuscript production centres: Christ Church in Canterbury, Winchester, Ramsey Abbey, Bury St Edmunds, Minster-in-Thanet, Durham, St Albans, Rochester, London etc.
Area practiced currently
Origin in the UK
Early Medieval
Current No. of professionals (Main income)
Current No. of professionals (Side income)
Current No. of trainees
Current total No. of serious amateur makers
Current No. of leisure makers


Gold was always regarded in historical times as precious, it doesn’t tarnish as other metals do, it was rare, expensive, and had high status. It was thus a natural material to use for Christians producing the first manuscript books to decorate the pages to the glory of God. Because it was so expensive it was also used as an indication of wealth and high status for those who commissioned books to give to churches and religious foundations, as well as for their own use.

Gold in both leaf and powder forms were used; the latter mixed with gum to create shell gold (it was sold in mussel shells – hence the name). Silver and other metals were also used, and, later mosaic gold, but none could compete with the brilliance of shine of burnished leaf gold on a raised gesso ground.


The process of illumination in manuscript production was a meticulous and highly skilled craft. It involves the decoration of handwritten texts with elaborate designs, gold or silver leaf, and miniature illustrations.

  • Manuscripts were traditionally written on vellum (calfskin) or parchment (sheepskin or goatskin), although today paper is also used.
  • Gesso or gum is applied where gold is to be placed.
  • Thin sheets of gold leaf are carefully laid down and burnished to a shine
  • Artists use mineral, plant-based, or insect-derived pigments mixed with egg tempera to paint illustrations
  • Black or brown ink is used for outlines and intricate details.
  • Borders and decorative initials were often filled with intricate patterns, floral motifs, or fantastical creatures.







Issues affecting the viability

  • Market issues: Demand for traditional illumination work is low: very few commissions insist on strictly traditional methods, so often illuminated work is carried out using more modern techniques and materials.
  • Skills issues: There are very few people who have the knowledge and expertise to gild in a traditional way as in mediæval manuscripts, replicating the craft processes, and the cost of doing so hinders those who may wish to learn (gold is expensive, and the tools and other materials are not cheap either), and also those who want to commission.
  • Cost of materials and training: Illumination is expensive to do and so even going on a course requires a degree of financial outlay.
  • Sourcing raw materials: Preparing traditional paints from scratch is time-consuming and often challenging, and demand for work created using these materials is low.
  • Skills issues: As well, authentic tradition-based work requires the practitioner to have considerable understanding of the history and uses of pigments over historical time, how they work with one another, etc, which is highly specialised knowledge that takes time and study to acquire: and again in this case, demand for the use of traditional materials is low as most commissions are adequately fulfilled by using modern commercial materials.
  • Training and recruitment issues: There are no full-time courses being taught; there are a few part-time courses (in the south east) and unquantifiable occasional workshops.
  • Ageing practitioners: Most practitioners are in their mature years and there is no systematic approach to passing skills to young potential craftspeople

Support organisations

Training organisations

There are no formal training opportunities available in illumination but there are number of short courses available in calligraphy and lettering arts, some of which will include illumination. Learning how to gild with gesso is a complicated, and sometimes capricious, process, and it is usually best to take a course with an experience illuminator.

Short courses

Diplomas and Certificates

The Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society offer a self-directed National Diploma in Calligraphy and a  Specialist Skills Award that can include illumination and gilding as a specialism.



Craftspeople currently known


  • Lovett, P, Illumination – Gold and Colour.
  • Lovett, P, The British Library Guide to Calligraphy, Illumination and Heraldry.
  • Lovett, P, Illumination. (DVD).
  • www.patricialovett.com – contains articles about illumination in mediæval and Renaissance manuscripts and contemporary illumination including producing props for film and TV.
  • Noad, T, and Seligman, P, The Illuminated Alphabet: an inspirational introduction to creating decorative calligraphy (Quarto)
  • Mehigan, J, and Noble, M, The Encyclopaedia of Calligraphy & Illumination: a step-by-step directory of alphabets, illuminated letters and decorative techniques (Search Press)

Red List reviewers 2025

Our thanks go to our 2025 reviewers:

  • Society of Scribes and Illuminators
  • Patricia Lovett MBE

We consult with a wide range of practitioners and organisations to review and update the Red List. Some choose to remain anonymous but all feedback is taken into account.

If you would like to suggest any changes or additions to this page please contact us here

National Lottery Heritage Fund
Swire Charitable Trust
The Royal Mint
Pilgrim Trust
Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
William Grant Foundation

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