In the nineteenth century crochet became a thriving cottage industry, particularly in Ireland and northern France. Women and sometimes even children would stay at home and create things such as clothes and blankets to make money. From the late 1940s until the early 1960s there was a resurgence in interest in the craft, with many new and imaginative crochet designs published for colourful doilies, potholders, and other home items. These patterns called for thicker threads and yarns than in earlier patterns and included wonderful variegated colours.
Although crochet underwent a subsequent decline in popularity, the early twenty-first century has seen a revival of interest in crafts, as well as great strides in improvement of the quality and varieties of yarn. There are many more new pattern books with modern patterns being printed, and many groups now offer crochet lessons in addition to the traditional knitting lessons. Today crochet is primarily practised as a hobby rather than as a commercial activity.
Crocheted fabric is begun by placing a slip-knot loop on the hook, pulling another loop through the first loop, and repeating this process to create a chain of a suitable length. The chain is either turned and worked in rows, or joined to the beginning of the row with a slip stitch and worked in rounds.
Pauline Turner provides an international diploma in crochet.
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