Heritage Crafts

Bee skep making

The making of lipwork (coiled) baskets for collecting bees and for beekeeping (see also straw working). Skeps are called ruskies in the North East of Scotland. Lipwork basket are made with the same process.
Craft category
Historic area of significance
Area practiced currently
Origin in the UK
Medieval based on archaeological evidence, but possibly Bronze Age or even late Neolithic. A piece of lip-work basketry has been found in a peat bog in Ireland dating to the Mesolithic era.
Current No. of professionals (Main income)
Current No. of professionals (Side income)
Current No. of trainees
Current total No. of serious amateur makers
Around 6-10
Current No. of leisure makers
Around 51-100 There are likely to be many beekeepers who make the occasional skep to collect a swarm, but do not publicise it.


A ‘skep’ is a basket. Consider the second syllable of the word ‘basket’ – a ‘bee-skep’ is a basket for bees, from the Anglo Saxon ‘Skeppa’ and ‘Sciob’ in Irish. Bee skeps can be split into two categories:

  • Wicker skeps also known as an ‘alveary’ – possibly the preferred way of crafting bee-skeps before the Anglo-Saxon era.
  • Lip-work skeps made of straw – possibly the preferred way of crafting a bee-skep after the Anglo-Saxon era (but there are photos of wicker skeps being used for beekeeping in Herefordshire as late as 1880).

There is no evidence for beekeeping until the Roman Era, and nothing in the archaeological record has been interpreted as a skep until much later. However, it’s possible that we were have been keeping bees in skeps since the Bronze Age, possibly the late Neolithic era.

Skep beekeeping waned in the UK after WW1, when a government restocking scheme only gave a subsidy for bees in boxes, not skeps. Skep still continued to be made for swarm collection – walls got thinner, capacity and shapes changed and continue to change to this day. Some have handles, some have doors, some have wooden rims etc.


A continuous coil of lipwork((coiling)often bell shaped for keeping colonies of bees in, sometimes flat topped for swarm collection. Straws are dampened and twisted (not necessarily)and bound
with lapping. Lapping can be split bramble, willow, hazel, dogwood etc. Skeps for beekeeping need a floor (usually wooden, sometimes stone) and a shelter.

Local forms

  • The ‘Hampshire Pot’ or ‘New Forest Pot’ is a skep from that region traditionally made from. There are many varieties, but none other have a regional name.
  • Skeps upon the Yorkshire moors were commonly made of ‘purple moor grass’


Within skep beekeeping itself there are many different ways to ‘dress’ and ‘stick’ a hive.

  • Working with split materials/ making lapping: split bramble, split willow, split hazel, split ash, de-laminating oak and scoring into long laps etc.
  • Working with soft rushes and sedge.
  • Daubing a wicker skep.
  • Skep-beekeeping.
  • Hackle making (a straw cone hat that protects a skep).
  • Bee bole construction (an alcove for bees).
  • Bone working (a traditional needle or ‘fid’ is made of a sharpened bone from a large bird, often a goose).
  • Horn working (the traditional gauge for the straw is made of cow horn, although this can be substituted with a plastic bottle top shaped into a funnel).
  • Driving bees (a way of moving bees from one skep to another).

Issues affecting the viability

  • Market issues: Skep-beekeeping is a very small special interest group.
  • Market issues: There is not a great demand for bee skeps but they are still used for swarm collection.
  • Competition from imports: Imported skeps can be bought cheaply online and from various beekeeping suppliers. However, a skep made from British materials will generally fair better in the British climate and will last longer.
  • Market issues: Skep making is time consuming, and at a UK craftperson’s hourly rate would be too expensive for the current market.
  • Sourcing raw materials: There are difficulties in obtaining cereal straw that has not gone through a combine harvester. Other grasses and rushes are sometimes used for making skeps. Skep making straw can be obtained from thatching suppliers or corn dolly makers (more expensive). Cereal straw can be obtained in fields before harvesting by cutting by hand with the farmers permission.

Support organisations

Training organisations

Short courses and educational initiatives

There are a number of organisations and individuals offering short courses in skep making.

  • Paula Carnell  – has developed an online course and is selling kits for people to make their own skeps. She offers workshops throughout Wales about making but also about the history of skep making. Paula also has a podcast available on Spotify and Apple.
  • Chris Park has created a bee themed podcast which also covers skep making
  • Tina Cunningham teaches several workshops each year

Chris Park, a visiting lecturer to beekeeping associations on skep-beekeeping and beekeeping history, for example, teaches 60-80 new students a year.

Craftspeople currently known

  • Chris Park, Oxon/Wiltshire – maker, tutor and skep beekeeper
  • David Chubb, Gloucestershire
  • Tina Cunningham, Wales (taught by her father David Chubb) – also makes wicker skeps
  • Louise McLean, Northern Ireland
  • Martin Buckle, Bedfordshire (possibly not making anymore)
  • David Wright, Scotland
  • Julie LeFevre
  • Nick Mengham, Kent – tutor also known as ‘Mr Bumble’
  • Paula Carnell
  • Diana Robertson, Somerset
  • Bryce Reynard, Inverness
  • Paul Hand, Herefordshire
  • Robbie Ryder, Family Foraging Kitchen
  • Michael Townsend, Kenilworth
  • Daisy Campion – trainee maker

Peter Haywood makes skeps very occasionally from purple moor grass. Sarah Webb makes wicker skeps.


Red List informants 2025

Our thanks go to our 2025 informants:

  • Tina Cunningham, Ecolistic Artworks
  • Paula Carnell
  • Bryce Reynard
  • Chris Park

We consult with a wide range of practitioners and organisations to review and update the Red List. Some choose to remain anonymous but all feedback is taken into account.

If you would like to suggest any changes or additions to this page please contact us here

National Lottery Heritage Fund
Swire Charitable Trust
The Royal Mint
Pilgrim Trust
Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
William Grant Foundation

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