Neill Mapes – green woodworker

14th March 2019  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Winner of the 2019 HCA/Marsh Trainer Award

Neill MapesIn his role first as a volunteer and then as the Small Woods Association’s Heritage Crafts Officer, Neill Mapes has trained and mentored many thousands of enthusiasts, volunteers, SWA members and the general public in a wide range of crafts, including rake making, bowl turning, broom making, pole lathe turning, currach and coracle making.

Neill leads the teaching of crafts skills at the Greenwood Centre in Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, and has an enthusiastic following on social media, which he uses to share his skills.

Photo: Nick Carter, Marsh Christian Trust, presenting the award to Neill Mapes, HCA/Marsh Trainer of the Year winner 2019