Isatu Hyde – potter

24th March 2014  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Isatu Hyde receiving her awardWinner of the 2014 HCA/QEST Training Bursary

Isatu’s dissertation at Falmouth University was on the working ideals of craftsmanship and how they encourage sustainable design, so her focus has been on craft for some time. During university she took up a series of studio assistant and volunteer posts at a number of potteries to widen her experience.

She plans to study with Andrew Crouch of The Marches Pottery, Ludlow, such that she can ‘make things that people can afford to buy and break’. Isatu wants to concentrate on traditional ceramics so that she can put a little more energy into people’s lives through the honesty and beauty of her pots.

Isatu said:

I certainly would’ve struggled to get where I am with my work and skills if it wasn’t for the early help of QEST and HCA in funding the first year of my apprenticeship. I will be forever grateful for the way I was able to focus so completely on my learning at that stage.

Photo: Dr Phil Harding and Lyanne Mansfield from QEST presenting Isatu Hyde with her certificate

Cover photo by Samuel Glazebrook