Coralie Chung – side saddle maker

8th July 2016  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Coralie Chung Winner of the 2016 HCA/QEST Training Bursary

Saddler and side saddle specialist Coralie Chung was awarded an HCA/QEST Training Bursary. Coralie runs her own business as an early-career saddler and harness maker carrying out sympathetic restoration, repairs and fitting of side saddles and related equipment.

She plans to use the bursary to study with Roger Godden, one of two remaining master side saddlers, at the Saddlery Training Centre.

Her long-term plans are to have a traditional workshop where she can fulfil the true essence of craftsmanship by constructing and repairing side saddles, and also giving demonstrations to the public.

Photo: Coralie Chung receiving her award from QEST