Colin Henwood – boatbuilder

24th March 2014  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Colin Henwood receiving his awardWinner of the 2014 HCA Maker of the Year Award

Colin has been building traditional boats for over 35 years and set up his own boat building business on the Thames in 1982.

He has won many awards including Professional Boat Builder of the Year, and his skiff ‘Gillian’ was included in the ‘Best 300 Boats in the World’. His passion is to pass on skills, teaching and talking to all ages and he often takes students from Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy.

In 2006 one of his students built a Victorian skiff and it was so good that a new award was created specially – ‘Young Preservationist of the Year’

Photo: Dr Phil Harding presenting Colin with his award