Brian ‘Sixer’ Boorman – Faversham Creek Trust

24th March 2014  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Brian Boorman receiving his awardWinner of the 2014 HCA/Marsh Volunteer Award

It was thought when Standard Quay closed that boat building and restoration would cease at Faversham. However, the gas purifier building, on the opposite bank, was acquired and Sixer has been one of the key people to get it shipshape such that the connection with boats in the town is not lost.

A huge amount of hard graft was involved, and when Sixer couldn’t continue he supervised teams of others. He has also been fund, morale and profile raising such that boat building will continue here into the future.

Photo: Dr Phil Harding and Nick Carter of the Marsh Trust presenting Sixer with his award.