Alistair McCallum – silversmith

8th May 2017  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Winner of the 2017 HCA/Marsh Trainer Award

Alistair McCallum was awarded the Marsh Trainer of the Year. Alistair  trained at Loughborough College of Art and the Royal College of Art. On graduating in 1978, he set up his first workshop in London. A silversmith and one of the leading practitioners of the Japanese metalworking technique of Mokume Gane, Alistair has explored the potential of the technique for over 40 years, developing different ways of producing pattern to create works that are both distinct and highly personal. He exhibits nationally and internationally and also works to commission.

Alistair has always been a generous teacher and keen to pass on the skills he has learnt and developed to the next generation of makers. His success in this is evidenced through the success of his students. Over the last 20 years he has dedicated time to deliver workshops and short courses on this technique.