Bethan Horn – shoemaker

6th July 2015  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Ruth Davey on behalf of Bethan Horn being presented with her awardWinner of the HCA/QEST Training Bursary

Bethan studied footwear at university and is passionate about forging a career in the handmade, bespoke market. She believes that an apprenticeship would give her the knowledge, skills and support to enable her to build her career.

Bethan will be apprenticed to shoemaker, Ruth Emily Davey, who herself carried out an apprenticeship with designer shoemaker Alan James Raddon. Ruth has struggled to find an apprentice with suitable skills in craft rather than design, but believes that Bethan’s enthusiasm and passion for the craft makes her the perfect candidate.

Photo: Ruth Davey being presented with Bethan Horn’s certificate by QEST