Yvette Jelfs – hatmaker

24th March 2014  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Yvette Jelfs receiving her awardWinner of the 2014 HCA/Marsh ‘Made in Britain’ Award

Yvette was called ‘an ambassador of hat making’ by her proposer. She specialises in hand blocking and hat making, and is based in the Scottish Borders.

Using all British-produced materials, much of it from Yorkshire and Scotland, Yvette creates unique hats, with the fabrics moulded by steam and all the trimmings made by hand. She trained in Luton, home of hats, and went on to work with the milliner Graham Smith.

Yvette runs courses, and takes students from fashion courses all over the country as well as those from the Princes’ Youth Business Trust.

Photo: Phil Harding and Nick Carter of the Marsh Christian Trust presenting Yvette Jelfs with her award