Angela Brown – the Lace Society

17th April 2013  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Winner of the 2013 Marsh Heritage Crafts Volunteer Award

As Chair of the Lace Society, Angela pulled the Society round from a low point when the founder had died. She saved the Society from collapsing with her strong guidance and dedication. It is now a friendly, thriving organisation which has been running for over 44 years.

Angela guided the new treasurer in managing the budget, ensuring that all events broke even, to give both membership and the society value for money. It has now become a well run and financially stable Society, always striving to satisfy its members’ requirements.

Following the unexpected resignation of the editor of the newsletter it was Angela who stepped into the breach, and the Society now has an interesting and colourful newsletter full of helpful hints and news. All this is totally voluntary and in her words “you know that when you volunteer for something it has to be a total commitment for that period of time”.

During her term she has been instrumental in organising lace demonstrations, study visits, and courses to further the knowledge of the craft. She has also taken time out to talk about lace to lace and craft groups often at weekends.