Cameron Maxfield – silversmith

17th April 2013  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Winner of the 2013 Marsh Heritage Crafts Trainer Award

Cameron Maxfield (Max) was tutored by the late David Mellor, renowned around the world for his contemporary cutlery design. Cameron attended the Royal College of Art from 1967 to 1970 and taught for 28 years as a senior technician/lecturer at the Sheffield Hallam University’s Jewellery and Metalwork course, mostly under course leader and well known silversmith Keith Tyssen.

After Max retired from Sheffield Hallam, he was invited by Yorkshire Artspace to work as a technical skills expert and design advisor for the Starter Studio Programme for emerging silversmiths, based at Persistence Works Studios. Here he currently provides on-to-one tuition to up to six emerging silversmiths/jewellers per year and has done so for ten years. He also regularly runs master-classes, specialising in hand-raising, forging and spinning.

He is a master of his craft and an incredibly generous teacher who is both respected and genuinely loved by all who were taught by him. In 2008 Cameron won the prestigious Museums Sheffield: National Metalwork Award for his highly innovative and contemporary Britannia Silver hand-raised Teabag Teapot, now held in the Museum’s ‘Metalwork Gallery’ collection.