Red List 2019 in the press

15th March 2019  |  OUR STORIES

TelegraphFollowing the launch of the Red List of Endangered Crafts 2019 edition, the story was picked up across a range of print and broadcast media.

The Daily Mail ran with a double-page spread entitled  ‘Save our skills’, with the its online edition opting for ‘Holding on to Britain’s heritage’.

The Express featured ‘Ancient crafts under threat as vital skills not passed on’ and it was also reported on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme and BBC Alba.

Magazines including Country Life, Homes & Antiques and the Countryman also covered the story, with Reclaim magazine producing a special 16-page supplement on at-risk heritage crafts.

Here’s a selection of the coverage:

Save our SkillsThe New York Times
‘Just How Endangered Is Watchmaking?’
20 Feb 2019

Epoch Times
‘Holding On to Heritage Crafts’
20 Feb 2019

Reclaim magazine
‘British Heritage Crafts’ (16 page supplement)
March 2019 edition

The Countryman
‘Heritage Crafts Conservation’, pp. 40-44
March 2019 edition

Homes and Antiques magazine
‘The art of survival’, pp. 130-135
April 2019 edition

Mail Online
‘Holding on to Britain’s heritage’
8 March 2019

Daily Mail
‘Save our skills!’ pp. 36-37
9 March 2019

Daily Express
‘Ancient crafts under threat as vital skills not passed on’, pp. 20-21
9 March 2019

Daily Telegraph
‘Last in Line’, p.11
9 March 2019

BBC Radio 4 Today (from 1.49:24)
9 March 2019

Daily Mirror
’36 old crafts set to vanish’, p. 33
9 March 2019

The Herald
‘Dozens of ancient crafts are now listed as dying arts’, p. 10
9 March 2019

Daily Record
‘Extinction threat to UK crafts’, p. 34
9 March 2019

Country Life
‘On the danger list’
13 March 2019

BBC Alba
An Là (News) (from 24:18)
14 March 2019