QEST/HCA Apprenticeship now open for applications

15th June 2017  |  ANNOUNCEMENTS

Hannah VickersDeadline: 3 August 2017

The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST) Heritage Crafts Association Apprenticeship provides funding to enable Apprentices to learn craft skills within companies and from master craftsmen and to support employers to take on Apprentices and nurture a new generation of craftspeople.

The maximum available per apprenticeship is £18,000 over 3 years (or £6,000 per year) and is available to part-fund salaries, training costs and/or materials.

On the application form both Employer and Apprentice will need to explain clearly why the proposed training will develop the Apprentice’s skills.  A training plan will also need to be completed, to best demonstrate the Apprentice’s progression route. Applicants are advised to give themselves plenty of time to complete the application.

Click here for more details and to apply