Alfred Fisher MBE – stained glass craftsperson

27th December 2023  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Alfred Fisher MBE – stained glass craftsperson

Winner of the 2023 Heritage Crafts / Marsh Lifetime Achievement Award

Alfred Fisher MBEThe inaugural Heritage Crafts/Marsh Lifetime Achievement Award went to Alfred Fisher MBE who has been involved in stained glass for 71 years.

He began his training at James Powell and Sons, Whitefriars, in 1952, working his way up from trainee to Chief Designer. In 1957 he won a Religious Arts Scholarship to study art in churches in Europe, which helped him develop his own distinctive style of window design. Alf is Vice-President of the British Society of Master Glass Painters and Liveryman and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers. For twenty years he was the advisor on stained glass for the National Trust.

Photo: David Clarke (Heritage Crafts Co-Chair), Alfred Fisher MBE (Heritage Crafts / Marsh Lifetime Achievement Award winner 2023), Nick Carter (Marsh Charitable Trust) and Jay Blades MBE (Heritage Crafts Co-Chair). Photo by Stefan Jakubowski.