Manifesto for Crafts Education

23rd January 2016  |  OUR STORIES

The HCA’s highly successful and rewarding Manifesto for Making at the Spring Conference last year, the findings of the Mapping Heritage Crafts focus groups, and the Crafts Council’s research into the current state of education in crafts have all highlighted the current issues with craft teaching and learning.

The Crafts Council is now building an education manifesto for craft and making, to be launched at the House of Commons in November 2014. They are keen for those from across the whole range of crafts, including heritage crafts, and across the whole sector – makers, educationalists, organisations and more – to be involved in shaping the manifesto. The HCA recently (September 2014) took part in a focus group looking at what is working well – and what action should be taken. You can read more about the manifesto here:

You can read the Heritage Crafts Association’s response here: HCA response to Education Manifesto Questions